We are asking you to be in prayer for us as we work hard to raise the necessary monies to see us through in the areas God leads us. We pray that you will search your hearts in this matter and donate as the Lord leads you to.
As always, we appreciate the support we receive from each and everyone we meet and come to know! Thank you not only for your financial support but for your prayers which are always needed. In return, we pray for you and lift you up trusting God will see you through all your circumstances!
May God Bless You!
We are blessed with many wonderful people who pray for us. We know and live in the power or prayer. We also believe that God always supplies the means when we are obedient to HIS call. We Thank You All for This Support! We Thank God for His Promises!
We have come to realize that God puts people in our lives for a reason and they want to bless us as much as we want our ministry to bless them. Those blessings come in so many different ways…all of which we are grateful for. And so, It was brought to our attention that there are those who would like to help support our ministry financially and be a blessing in that way. Some are not be able to come out and be a part of the fellowship but have our message in music and want to be a part of this ministry through donations. God takes care of it all…so we ask that you seek Him and allow Him to speak to your heart about it.
if you would like to make a donation and sow a seed into our ministry, please mail it to the address below! It will help us to continue carrying the message of Jesus Christ.
We Thank God for you and know you will be blessed in return!
Nikki and Chip Headley